Northfield Bank
Northfield Bank
1410 Saint Georges Avenue
Avenel, NJ 07001-1158, United States
Phone: (732) 499-7200
Business Hours
Lobby and Drive-in:
Mon-Thu 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Fri 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sat 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
About Us
We were founded on March 1, 1887 as Northfield Building Loan and Savings Association in the village of Mariners Harbor, Town of Northfield, County of Richmond, by a group of Staten Islanders "for the purpose of rendering mutual aid to each other, and to those who shall hereafter be associated with us."
As most institutions founded in the 19th century, Northfield took its name from the community it served, and although the village of Northfield is no longer listed on any local map, its name survives as the name of our Bank. In 19th Century Staten Island, every community had its own bank. Although many failed or were disbanded, many others merged, creating larger, stronger institutions that survive and prosper today.
In 2002, Northfield entered the New Jersey marketplace through our merger with Liberty Bank. This partnership gave Northfield a strong presence in New Jersey's Union and Middlesex counties while providing added convenience for our customers.
On January 1, 2007, Northfield officially changed its name from Northfield Savings Bank to Northfield Bank. The Northfield Bank name positions us as the full-service bank that Northfield has become, and reflects the changing marketplace of banking.
Some of the services offered:
> Checking Accounts
> Savings & CDs
> Retirement
> Life Insurance
> Equity Loans
> Credit Cards
> Mobile Banking
> Online Banking
> Telephone Banking
Visit us at one of our conveniently located branches or
Call us at (732) 499-7200.
