Amboy National Bank
Amboy National Bank
Dugan's Corner
Route 33 & Dugan's Grove Road
Millstone, NJ 07726
Business Hours:
Lobby: Mon-Wed 8:30am-3pm; Thu 8:30am-5pm; Fri 8:30am-6pm; Sat 9am-12pm
Amboy Bank, a full service commercial bank headquartered in the Township of Old Bridge, was established in 1888. Based on our 120 years of strength and service, we have earned a reputation as a well-respected financial institution in central New Jersey.
As a community-oriented bank, Amboy Bank is committed to your financial well being. Protecting the privacy and security of the information you share with us is integral to that commitment. You trust us with your personal financial information, and we honor that trust by handling your information discretely and sensibly. If you ever have questions or concerns about the integrity of your account information, or any other aspect of our business operations, please do not hesitate to telephone or come in to talk to our staff.
> Checking
> Savings and Investment
> Loans
> Commercial Services
> Desktop Ck Deposit
If you have a general question, call us at (732)786-8912.
Copyright 2010 Amboy Bank. All Rights Reserved.
