1st Bank of Sea Isle City
1st Bank of Sea Isle City
4301 Landis Avenue,
Sea Isle City, NJ 08243
Phone: 609-263-8750
Fax: 609-263-0853
Business Hours
Regular Business Hours
Mon.-Thu. 8:30am-5:00pm
Fri. 8:30am-6:00pm
Sat. 8:30am-1:00pm
Holiday Hours
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday
Monday, January 18, 2010 ~ Closed
Washingtons' Birthday / President's Day
Monday, February 15, 2010 ~ Closed
1st Bank of Sea Isle City was formed in 1888 as Sea Isle Building and Loan, when the founding fathers of Sea Isle City saw the need to promote home-ownership among area residents. As a building and loan, we opened simple savings accounts and loaned the money for homes. We started small, like all businesses do – even operating out of someone’s home! At that time, Sea Isle City was mainly rural pasture and miles of unexplored seashore.
In recent years, we have made improvements to both of our branches – adding administrative offices to the back of our branch at 4301 Landis and renovating our branch at 2072 Shore Road to include 2 drive-up lanes and a drive-up ATM machine. In 2004, we bid farewell to our building at 137 JF Kennedy and in its place raised our brand new Loan Center – a showcase building with a unique lighthouse façade. In the Spring of 2005 we introduced Internet Banking, and in September 2005, we look forward to opening our third branch office in Swainton.
We at 1st Bank of Sea Isle City are proud to be a part of our communities, and strive to maintain a hometown atmosphere while providing superior products and services to our customers. We believe in families, and we believe that without our “family†of customers we would be just another bank.
